The mission of Big Hearts under the Big Sky is to provide, through charitable organizations, high-quality outdoor adventures with MOGA member outfitters, at NO COST, to those who have provided extraordinary service to our country and children who face the challenge of a life-threatening illness and their families.

The Big Hearts under the Big Sky core values are principles of behavior that identify what Big Hearts stands for, what our priorities are and how we will operate at all times in all of our interactions.
We are committed to showing loyalty and support for our clients and partners. When the going gets tough, that’s when the tough get going and when our loyalty is needed the most. In this moment is the full measure of our loyalty identified, even if means a negative financial consideration.
“All things being equal, good guys do win — fairness, integrity and loyalty count.”
We understand that integrity is not just an ideal, but something that must be practiced and must permeate in everything we do; in our dealing with clients, partners and associates, and most certainly in how we treat each other. We place integrity above all else.
“Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody’s going to know whether you did it or not.”
We will bring enthusiasm and passion to the execution of our mission. Enthusiasm is the lifeblood of success and it is infectious. Enthusiasm is infectious and attracts like-minded people, believers and clients, as well as individuals who care about producing excellent results.
An enthusiastic, positive approach in service to others is essential to the successful delivery of services. We resist negativism and seek to create and find positive outcomes for those served and affected by the Big Hearts Program.
“Those that want to do something find a way, those that don’t, find an excuse.”
We will be thoughtful in our deliberations drawing on experience but not limiting ourselves to conventional solutions. We will plan and execute carefully in the best interests of our guest clients, partners and Big Hearts.
“Don’t think better — think different.”
We will be decisive, making crisp and appropriate decisions. Very few decisions in a day are critical. For the non-critical decisions, we will make them in a timely manner. For critical decisions, we will take as much time as is necessary to bring a thoughtful decision.
A leader has the ability to quickly identify the critical decisions from the non-critical decisions. We consider ourselves leaders.
“A leader is a recognized force.”
We are dedicated to being a top quality service organization. Quality is a mindset that must permeate through everyone in our organization and our partners and be reflected in everything we do. We will always make time to do it right and deliver the best experience possible.
“There is always time to do it right.”
Compassion means a deep feeling for and understanding of our clients and how we can best serve their needs. This will always remain at the forefront of our efforts, with a focus on kindness, generosity, caring, friendship, love and sharing toward those who have sacrificed for our nation, as well as children who face the challenge of battling a life-threatening illness.
“Compassion is not religious business, it is human business, it is not a luxury it is essential for our own peace of mind and mental stability, it is essential for human survival.”
At the root of American society is the family structure. We recognize the need for family to share in the experiences offered through Big Hearts Under the Big Sky. We are committed to including family members in our offerings so that shared experiences provide positive memories and serve as springboard to a fulfilled life.
“Rejoice with your family in the beautiful land of life!” ~Albert Einstein
Spirituality encompasses powerful virtues of faith, hope and love. Although we provide service without regard for creed or religion, we recognize the power and importance of these virtues and that they reside in the core purpose of the Big Hearts Under the Big Sky program. Faith, hope and love are sources of strength and courage demonstrated by many of the people we serve. We are committed to recognizing the importance of a spiritual presence and respectfully celebrating the impact on the mental, spiritual and physical well-being of our clients.
“Without faith, hope and love, there is no promise for the future, and without a promising future, life has no direction, no meaning and no justification.”

The vision for Big Hearts Under the Big Sky defines how our mission will be accomplished and provides the inspiration and principles for decision making.
We will be “best of class” by providing the very best service, at a national level, within our peer business community at all times. Being “best of class” requires we partner with high-quality outfitters and guides to ensure that we focus on success at every level and successfully execute each and every task and Big Hearts trip.
“In a service business, people are your only product–
to have the best product you must have the best people.”
We will set accurate and realistic expectations and then meet or exceed those expectations, as we recognize that we are measured on meeting client expectations. A critical element of this is outlining correct expectations so that we, and our clients, clearly understand them while we strive to meet and exceed those expectations.
“Meet expectations you have embraced — honor thy commitment.”
We will remain narrowly focused upon executing the mission of Big Hearts Under the Big Sky. As we grow, we will keep a clear focus to ensure we are continually meeting the mission.
“Success is a function of diligence and focused execution.”
We will start with a narrow, focused mission and, if and when it’s necessary, expand in a phased model approach.
Initial phase:
– Deliver memory-making and high-quality Montana outdoor adventures.
Next phase:
– Expand our educational mission
– Expand to another state
– Expand nationally
We will identify and capture metrics to measure success (i.e. dollars raised) and conduct client satisfaction surveys to capture the success of each trip, event or adventure. If ranking forums are available in the industry, we will use them; if they do not exist, we will create them.
“Failure occurs to those who have not analyzed the criteria for success.”
We will keep everything we do as simple as possible. Simplicity in operations is the most efficient, most easily understood and it is the most financially sound.
“There is beauty in simplicity.”
In every relationship, there must be a win-win situation. If either party does not view an arrangement (or deal) as a success for them, success will not have been achieved.
We believe the best way to ensure an arrangement will be successful is to engage in thoughtful conversations that allow both parties to understand each other’s needs and definition of success before working together to create a win-win result for everyone involved.
“The operative word is we; I should not exist.”