Youth Nomination Enrollment Application

This nomination form is intended to provide basic information concerning a youth, 18 years or younger, being
nominated for a Big Hearts under the Big Sky trip experience. As part of the evaluation and trip granting process,
additional clarifying information or follow-up descriptions may be requested in addition to that being requested on this

Download Pdf : Youth Nomination Enrollment Application

Youth Nomination Enrollment Application

  • Section 1: Basic Nominee Information

  • Section 2: Individual/Organization Making the Nomination

  • Section 3: Desired Experience

  • Section 4: Nominee Qualifications

  • Big Hearts under the Big Sky was established to provide therapeutic outdoor experiences to those who have provided extra-ordinary service to our country and to do so in a way that allows the immediate family to enjoy and share in the experience as fully possible. To qualify for the Big Hearts program, the child must be between 6 and 18 years of age at the time of nomination and must be a resident of the United States and must be diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. As part of the nomination review process, it may be asked to have a letter from the child’s physician affirming their fitness and ability to participate in the requested trip experience.

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