Make a Nomination

Big Hearts Under the Big Sky invites the nomination of individuals and their families to be considered for a Big Hearts experience. Throughout the year, we receive nominations from individuals, organizations, caregiver, case workers, family members and more from across the country.

While our capacity is limited, we do our best to serve all who are nominated, with a particular focus on serving two categories: children who face life-threatening illnesses and military personnel who have provided extraordinary service to our country. 

We accommodate nearly any kind of outfitted trip experience in Montana and distribute trips among a variety of MOGA member outfitters, including companies who specialize in fishing trips, summer pack trips and hunting trips. All of our Big Hearts Under the Big Sky trips are conducted through a licensed Montana outfitter using licensed guides. 

A Big Hearts ambassador is assigned to each trip and serves as the coordinator to assist the family and outfitter with logistics and photography, as well as ensuring the trip is as successful and positive as possible. 

Qualification of Nominees 
Children with Life-Threatening Illnesses 
  • To qualify, the child must be less that 16 years of age at the time of nomination and must be facing a diagnosed life-threatening illness that if not abated may be cause to not reach their 18th birthday.
  • The nomination must be supported with a physician’s letter clearly stating that the child is physically able to participate in the requested trip experience.
  • Any active duty or honorably discharged member of the military, caregivers, combat wounded and non-wounded veterans that would benefit from time in the outdoors with family.
  • We are a family-centric organization so military families in need of shared outdoor experiences are a priority. We fully recognize the supporting role of family and the shared sacrifices they make in the course of military service.
  • We focus on families and do not serve groups of veterans.
  • Our priority is on individuals who have not previously had a once-in-a-lifetime trip.
  • Military personnel will be asked to submit copies of DD 214 and other documentation (Purple Heart) as necessary.
Nomination Process 
  • Fill out and submit to the MOGA office the appropriate nomination form. (Both forms are available here: Youth Nomination Enrollment Application and the Military Nomination Enrollment Application.)
  • Nomination forms are reviewed and evaluated on an individual basis. 
  • Additional information may be requested before a final decision is made.
  • If we cannot accommodate the trip request, we will save the nomination for consideration at a future time.
  • If the request is granted, we will work to schedule the trip as soon as possible. 
  • Successful nominees will be contacted directly to facilitate trip planning and will receive a detailed confirmation letter that covers all aspects of the trip from start to finish. 

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