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Big Hearts Program makes $10,000 Endowment Gift to Montana Community Foundation
30 September 2019
In the News
Big Hearts Under the Big Sky

Big Hearts 10th Anniversary

(Helena, Mont.)—The Big Hearts Under the Big Sky program—the “giving back” extension of the Montana Outfitters and Guides Association (“MOGA”)—presented the Montana Community Foundation with a $10,000 gift for the Big Hearts endowment fund. The contribution, which is the result of money earned during the Greater Helena Gives Campaign, is the first installment to the Big Hearts Endowment.

Big Hearts under the Big Sky is a charitable partnership program that provides military service men and women who have provided extraordinary service to our nation, children who face the challenge of a life-threatening illness, and women who are battling breast cancer the opportunity to enjoy a Montana outdoor adventure at no cost. Big Hearts primary objective is to coordinate fully outfitted and guided trips to meet the dreams and needs of carefully screened, qualified participants for the purpose of recognizing and honoring their service and assisting others to cope with the stresses of a loved one facing a life-threatening illness.

“It is with great honor and humility that on behalf of the Big Hearts under the Big Sky program we present this $10,000 endowment gift to the Montana Community Foundation,” said Mac Minard, MOGA’s Executive Director. “We are proud to be working with the Montana Community Foundation to ensure that through the generosity of so many others that Big Hearts under the Big Sky mission will continue to make a difference one family at a time.”

Mary Rutherford, Executive Director of the Montana Community Foundation emphasized the importance of the services provided by the Big Hearts program to veterans and families of those with terminal illnesses.

“This program is one of many that we are proud to work with and we look forward to helping the Big Hearts program continue to support those in need,” stated Rutherford. “It is so important that charitable organizations like Big Hearts under the Big Sky have a reliable funding network that they can depend on and we believe the contribution made to the Montana Community Foundation for the Big Hearts Endowment will help ensure that Big Hearts has the resources it needs to continue to grow and help even more people who need their helping hand. We are incredibly excited for the opportunity to work with them.”

Mike Garcia, Chairman of the Big Hearts Program, thanked those in the Helena community for their generosity and steadfast support of the organization.

“Our community has a record of strong support for this program; from the volunteers who help coordinate the trips and events, to the gift of time and talent from Capital High School students who have produced beautiful auction items,” said Mike Garcia, Chair of the Big Hearts program. “We are tremendously thankful to the members of our community who, through their generous contributions as part of the Greater Helena Gives event last May, have enabled us to make this gift to the Big Hearts endowment.”

With 2017 marking 10 years of service, the Big Hearts program continues to be a national model in serving those who have provided extraordinary service to our nation and those who face a life-threatening illness. The program continues to have profoundly positive impacts on those families served and those involved in the program. Since 2008, the Big Hearts program has served 65 families/groups totaling 388 people, involving 45 MOGA Outfitter businesses and accounting for $463,000 in donated Montana Outdoor adventures.

For more information about the Big Hearts under the Big Sky program visit bigheartsmt.org


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